OK--I know. I mean it. I really do know. I have been more than remiss in writing and updating my blog lately. And that is putting it lightly. Well, not anymore. Today, as part of my Mom's Christmas present, I will start updating my blog daily. Let me go back a couple of days and explain how and why this has come about.
My sister is very good about updating her blog (
www.gigingio.blogspot.com) with great pics and anecdotes about her kids. Me, not so much. I know my Mom gets a lot of enjoyment of this--the pics of the kids and anecdotes, I mean. As a matter of fact, I do, too. That is part 1. Now, for part 2. My Mom has also asked that for Christmas this year, we give presents that were homemade or that we didn't pay more than $10 for. Bargain shopper that I am thought...hmmm...$10...I can give a gift worth at least $40 and only pay $10, so no problem. In fact, I am up for that challenge.
Then one of those feelings came over me. You know the ones. This time I was feeling that I was not living up to the spirit of the request. So, I came up with a great way to celebrate the holidays with my mom on a daily basis and really not spend a dime. It's just writing my blog. This is, also, where the 99 days comes in.
Mom, I am giving you 99 days of blogs. Your first no cost/homemade Christmas present of the year.
This should take me through the end of the year. I bet you thought I had to count the days to figure that out. But, I didn't. I will tell you why now. I am a Christmas junkie. I mean an all out, obsessed, Christmas music listening, cheesy movie watching, cookie baking fiend. I knew that there were 92 days until Christmas today. New Year's is a week after that, so 99 days of blogging.
Now, back to the Christmas celebrations.I am not afraid to share the joy. In fact, I would also ask that you join me in celebrating the last 99 days of 2011. Let's celebrate fall, Halloween, the first snow, every birthday, report card day, Veteran's Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve and every other day together.

Part of Day 99's celebrating is getting ready for the Harvest Party/Grayson and Garrison's birthday party in two weeks. How did I begin the preparations? By putting up a Christmas tree, of course. There are no present going underneath it, but it is strung with lights and covered in fall foliage. I just couldn't think of a better way to welcome our guest and bring warmth and color to the house. I have a few more touches to make, but I think you will get the idea. I may try and take a pic in the morning, too, to see if the "feel" of the tree comes over a little better.
It is 9:47 p.m. and my day should really be coming to a close now. I have a lot I want to pack into Day 98. I have already got my cookie recipes picked out and tasks planned for the day, so don't forget to drop back by soon to check out what we are doing here.
(Mom-On a side note--I am still up for the $10 challenge. You know I can't let that one slip by. And, I hope this is like a grown up/low calorie version of an advent calendar for you. I love those things.)
Clement Clarke Moore said it best in his poem, "A Visit from St. Nicholas"..."Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."